Old ads like this crack me up. These are so absurd...what's with the feather? Hilarious.
I hummed and hawed over an old Keds ad from the 1940s in a print shop once...and of course now I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy it. You guys would TOTALLY have loved those shoes. They weren't sneakers like Ked's makes now, but rather were these terrific peeptoes, spectator pumps, etc. They just don't make 'em like they used to!
I still need to learn to like this vintage style. Its growing on me slowly.
Old ads like this crack me up. These are so absurd...what's with the feather? Hilarious.
I hummed and hawed over an old Keds ad from the 1940s in a print shop once...and of course now I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy it. You guys would TOTALLY have loved those shoes. They weren't sneakers like Ked's makes now, but rather were these terrific peeptoes, spectator pumps, etc. They just don't make 'em like they used to!
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